Empathemian 『Everyday is a practice』

Look at that!

Walking on the calm Fremont Older Trail, I came across this scene.

For a while, I was watching over him.

Getting half out of the hole, one bite of the grass.

Getting back into the hole, to hide.

Back and forth between the hole and the grass, this young little friend is acting like hiding.

I felt this moment was a gift..

Right in front of my eyes, he is practicing life..

To try and err is animal..

And, first things first.

I thought it’s true.

Dana Suskind, the author of Thirty Million Words, writes:

“Just as you can’t run before you can walk, you can’t say your first word until you hear and understand it.”.

“By the end of age three, the human brain has completed about 85 percent of its physical growth, a significant part of the foundation for all thinking and learning.”.

“Language is the element that helps develop the brain to its optimum potential.”.

The number of interactions matters..

Since the moment we were born, we have been practicing the “input-output of words. The repetition of over thirty million times is how we learn our native language in the first three years. And that results in the connections among 100 billion neurons in the brain..

The environment where you interact with others (from mother and family to people surrounding you) makes you learn..

Sounds impressive, but not magic.

It only takes a few seconds to speak or listen every time.

In our life, there are as many moments as we practice those pieces of life.

In fact, we practice everything that way.

Repeating and reflecting the same thing over and over.

We practice life.

We practiced walking, speaking, and feeling.

It’s all by practice.

Without knowing, we use our whole bodies (and a brain) to practice life.

Learning happens without knowing.

In other words, things that are happening without knowing are learned.

To try and err is human, too, by practice.

Practice means moving our bodies every day, acting like our friend on the trail.

First things first.

You can’t do hard things before you can do easy things.

But once you learn it, it won’t go away.

You can’t run before you can walk. True.

Put it the other way.

Once you can walk, you can run.

This way of rephrasing helps you move one step forward.

Mi Pra supports your practice every day.

Empatheme creates a moment in a natural flow.

It will help you keep going, then you’ll learn it.

“Everyday” is a practice.