Sow your vocal seeds and grow them
Just like persimmon seeds inside the hard shell, sow your vocal seeds. Nurture and feel them grow. With Empatheme, cultivate your seeds of life.
Just like persimmon seeds inside the hard shell, sow your vocal seeds. Nurture and feel them grow. With Empatheme, cultivate your seeds of life.
“Take Care” Of Your Practice
Like air resistance or friction, you don’t feel your little inner resistance or friction in daily life. However, when you try to continue practice, these small obstacles accumulate and grow bigger. It can’t be helped you face a challenge like this, but you need to find a way to overcome it before you run out of energy to keep practicing.
We often overestimate our ability and endurance to continue a practice, which leads us to fail.
We can’t just ignore the resistance and friction inside us and devalue supportive others and the environment.
Sit and relax.
Go with the flow.
That’s all you need.
Reflect yourself in Empagraph, just like you look in the mirror.
This slide show guides you through a practice session with a Tanato in your hand. Tanato helps you take an micro-action every day.
Sit and relax.
Put your smartphone flat on the table.
Open Empatheme.
Small bubbles in the center.
Be Open. First Empatheme in yellow.
Just Be with the flow.
Wait for a moment and slowly trace the second Empatheme in light green.
Third Empatheme in light yellow. Touch.
Smile, and vocalize a word of greeting. Fourth Empatheme in pink.