Sow your vocal seeds and grow them
Just like persimmon seeds inside the hard shell, sow your vocal seeds. Nurture and feel them grow. With Empatheme, cultivate your seeds of life.
Just like persimmon seeds inside the hard shell, sow your vocal seeds. Nurture and feel them grow. With Empatheme, cultivate your seeds of life.
The four deeds in Zen. Share, Love, Serve others, Treat equally. Practice kindness. Speak kind words out loud. You will be surprised by how powerful they are.
Do it right. But something holds you back. You’re not alone. Have an action method. If you do one thing, you can do it over. If not, you never can. Voice it.
The self is made of dialogue. Words are born from dialogue with others, before words. Even alone, we live with the words we speak to others. I am the dialogue.