Empatheme Connects Us
Empatheme cultivates your senses. It is a new concept of Practice to cultivate one’s self and connect with others. Nurture habits and Inspire Imagination.
Empatheme cultivates your senses. It is a new concept of Practice to cultivate one’s self and connect with others. Nurture habits and Inspire Imagination.
Sit and relax.
Put your smartphone flat on the table.
Open Empatheme.
Small bubbles in the center.
Be Open. First Empatheme in yellow.
Just Be with the flow.
Wait for a moment and slowly trace the second Empatheme in light green.
Third Empatheme in light yellow. Touch.
Smile, and vocalize a word of greeting. Fourth Empatheme in pink.
Learning a language is physical exercise. To speak is to change sounds by breathing out. It’s very much like sports or musical performance; you must acquire how to breathe, keep posture, and move muscles.
始まる(始める)、とまる(とめる)、終わる(終える)と いった、ものごとの動き、状況を表現することば。
When did you start playing soccer? いつサッカーをはじめたの?
I started when I was five. 5才の時です。
When can I start the English lesson? 英語のレッスンは、いつからはじめられますか?
Any time if you’ve already signed up. 登録がおすみでしたら、いつからでも。