Enjoy and Maximize Your Practice
Empatheme is a language learning program to internalize 2-second speeches and technology to maximize your practice scientifically. Practice and enjoy Empatheme!
Empatheme is a language learning program to internalize 2-second speeches and technology to maximize your practice scientifically. Practice and enjoy Empatheme!
Learning is making connections through interactions. Empatheme can help you practice what you learn. You can maximize your interactions with 2-second voices.
Ei Pra on Empatheme will help you acquire that key and make a huge difference in your learning. Ei Pra on Empatheme will help you acquire that key and make a huge difference in your learning. Interact, Capture, Iterate, Measure and Connect your practice.
The foundation of all learning lies in memory. And all input and output always pass through the brain’s working memory. Working memory is critical and limited.
Ei Pra is a unique and innovative communication platform that allows learners and native English speakers to deepen their mutual learning by sharing their practices through Empatheme.
The pioneer of the global mobile phone market unveils “Empatheme,” a communication platform that cultivates heart-to-heart connections, where people can get connected and help each other through sharing their practices.
Inspire change. Nurture you seeds. Cultivate connection. Practice Empatheme. Share your practice on Empatheme.