・Review your practice for the week
・Write down questions on your Seeds
・Practice a conversation by yourself
(through the red and blue Seeds in turn)
・Use voice input
Listen to your Seeds for the week recorded in your Empagraph.
Practice “Ask” is about asking someone.
You will acquire a strong connection to the word by imagining yourself asking someone using the word.
Write down any question in the letter “A,” which stands for “asking/annotating.”
You can save your question by tapping “A” again (it takes a while for it to turn back to orange).
This is a hidden essence of practice.
Just knowing words and phrases doesn’t let you use them properly. Likewise, just listening to the native samples doesn’t help you voice out the phrases unless you use them by yourself.
First, review each Seed one by one. Then, put some simple words you came up with (preferably in English).
Practice “Ask” lets you practice one other thing. Every set of red and blue Seeds forms a short dialogue.
(1) Listen to the red Seed, and answer with the blue.
(2) Speak out the red Seed, and listen to the blue.
This practice lets you imagine a conversation with someone else and practice it all by yourself.
Then, in turn, listen to the blue Seed through your voice, writing down from memory the previous red Seed in “A.” Through acting a conversation alone like this, you are developing your imagination for a greater effect.
You can also use speech-to-text to input words*, which further promotes your learning. Tap the letter “A” to leave an input through voice recognition.
Tap the arrow at the bottom to move on. In the same way, let’s try this for the six cards of the week!
*See the Empatheme website for more information about voice input. Depending on your smartphone, you may need to download an app to enable voice input smoothly.