Practice Counting
Count your blessings.
From a conversation with Art:
Art:This phrase hold true.
me:Tell me more about it. How do you count your blessings?
Art:Right.You act as if you count them.
Count your blessings.
From a conversation with Art:
Art:This phrase hold true.
me:Tell me more about it. How do you count your blessings?
Art:Right.You act as if you count them.
So you don’t care anymore? もういいの?
No. It’s already over. もうおわったこと。
Why did you stop me? なぜ私をとめたの?
Because I care about you. 君が大切だからさ。
stayは、同じ状態にとどまること。leaveは、そのままの状態にしたままで、その場を去ること。放っておくこ と、残すこと。remainもstayのかわりに使えます。
Where are you staying? 滞在はどちら?
I’m staying at a hotel. ホテルです。
I feel like I caught a cold.
Stay home and get some rest. 家で休みな。
Could you take a picture of us? 写真を撮っていただけますか?
Sure, no problem. はい、いいですよ。
Could you pick me up at my house? わたしの家でひろってもらえますか?
Of course. I’ll be there a little before seven. もちろん。7時ちょっと前に行きますね。
Where do I put this box? この箱どこに置く?
Just leave it on the floor. 床に置いて置いて。
Don’t put salt on it. It’s already salty. 塩はふらずに。もう、しょっぱいから。
What about pepper? コショウはふった?
Can I ask you a question? 質問していい?
Sure, please do. はい、どうぞ。
Ask the help center. ヘルプセンターに聞いて。
Do they know? わかるかな?